Hi everyone! Over the weekend, I asked some jammers what they thought the lines of power meant. Here are there responses.

"I think information technology will bring a new land to Jamaa!" – Count DaringBird the Toucan

"Explosions!" – Ember RainyRiver the Hawkeye

"I recollect new portals to adventures will open in the Forgotten Archives." – Commander QuietHero the Coyote

"I remember it will bring a new gamble!" – Swift IglooChamp the Snow Leopard

"I think Greely knew about the lines and he discovered the portals and he is planning on telling the phantoms about it, then joining the phantoms." – Wild SpiritDragon the Arctic Wolf

"I call back the lines volition ability up a whole new land." – Blossom TheFlower the Arctic Wolf

"I think it ways that Jamaa is in danger!" – Businesswoman BraveBean the Arctic Wolf

"I think it ways a new land will become office of Jamaa." – Sheriff SneezyOctopus the Panda

"I think information technology means that everything will be for all jammers!" – Perfect FairyEyes the Bunny

"I call up the lines of power mean that there will a new wait to AJ or a new animal." – Swift DashFox the Fox

"I think at that place will be new alphas." – Captain ArtisticWolf the Wolf

"I call back in that location will be an unabridged new map with new lands, animals, and alphas." – Mister CottonPaws the Toucan

"I retrieve it means that Zios will come back to life." – Admiral ToughSpirit the Polar Carry

"I call back information technology means new lands." – Sparkle IcyEyes the Kangaroo

"Mira's tears brought forth the phantoms in AJ's early days. The lines of power were said to concur residual in Jamaa. If these lines of ability were said to be corrupt dorsum and then that could be the darker purpose mentioned in the Forgotten Athenaeum. So the phantoms used the corrupt energy to invade Jamaa. Which and so means that the Phantom Realm exists. I think the archives portal might pb in that location, bringing new adventures, lands, and plot to Jamaa. Mayhap, Mira and Zios will then be rescued." – Wood DaisyPaw the Tiger.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post! If yous have any ideas for futurity posts, feel free to comment them below! Thanks for reading jammers!

~ Marigold

Hi jammers! Today, I will be exploring the very mysterious new Forgotten Athenaeum. Bask!

To enter the Forgotten Archives you must get to the Temple of Zios and click on the stairs beneath the floating Zios Statue.

When you enter the archives you must walk or fly down a total of 23 (yes.. I counted) stone steps to achieve the lesser.

I of the first things y'all see when yous reach the bottom is the store Forgotten Relics.

Forgotten Relics sells 6 items (3 Zios and 3 Mira.)

Near the store is an alter to Zios that you can click on.

When you click on the open book on the Zios Modify this pic pops up on your screen. What could the words hateful…?

Behind the Zios Alter is a wall of papyrus scrolls. You tin can click on them, likewise.

When you click on the scrolls this movie pops up on your screen. It's supposedly really sometime because it is referring to a time when animals didn't get forth together, which is when the phantoms invaded Jamaa.

Side by side to the scrolls and Zios Change is a room of 3 glowing green portals. Jammers take lot's of different theories and hypothesis's about what these portals lead to. Some believe new adventures and others the Phantom Realm.

Next to the three portals is a waterfall and a pond that flows down from the stone higher up.

Next to the waterfall and swimming are 10 steps to another room.

The room at the top of the stairs features Zios' periodical and what looks like a place to practise art.

When you click on Zios' journal in the left corner of the room, this image pops upwards. It refers to the next eclipse which would accept been in August 2017.

When you click on the painting on the counter in the right part of the room, information technology shows this interesting paradigm and writing.

Many jammers have realized that this image is the same as on the floor of the Greely'southward Hideout Den.

The Forgotten Archives holds many nonetheless to be solved mysteries and for at present we just have to keep guessing about what this leads to. Please let me know in the comments or by jam – a – gramming or posting on my jammer wall if you have any theories. See yous in Jamaa!

~ Marigold