
How To Change The Frame Rate Of An Animation In Adobe Animate

Use this commodity to larn about the various components of Fourth dimension in Animate.


Timeline in motion tween animation

The Timeline in Adobe Animate organizes and controls a document's content over fourth dimension in layers and frames. Similar a movie film, Animate documents split lengths of fourth dimension into frames. Layers are like multiple filmstrips stacked on top of 1 another, each containing a different epitome that appears on the Stage. The major components of the Timeline are layers, frames, and the playhead.

  • Layers in a document are listed in a cavalcade on the left side of the Timeline.
  • Frames contained in each layer announced in a row to the right of the layer name.
  • The Timeline header at the elevation of the Timeline indicates frame numbers.
  • Playhead indicates the current frame displayed on the Stage. Equally a document plays, the playhead moves from left to right through the Timeline.

Past default, the playhead loops when it reaches the end.The Timeline condition displayed at the bottom of the Timeline indicates the selected frame number, the current frame rate, and the elapsed fourth dimension to the current frame.

For more information on Timeline, meet How to use Timeline in Animate.


Frames are at the cadre of any animation, dictating each segment of fourth dimension and movement. The total number of frames in your movie, and the speed at which they're played back, together make up one's mind your film'southward overall length.

To know more on Frames, meet the commodity on Frames and the commodity on creating frame by frame animation.

Frame Span

Framespan in motion tween animations

A keyframe and the span of regular frames that follow information technology are known equally akeyframe sequence. The timeline can contain any number of keyframe sequences. If the keyframe in a sequence contains graphical content that is visible on the stage, the regular frames that follow it will announced gray. If the keyframe in a sequence contains no graphical content, the regular frames that follow it appear white.


Frames and keyframes in Animate CC

Like films, Adobe Animate documents split up lengths of time into frames. In the Timeline, y'all work with these frames to organize and control the content of your document. You place frames in the Timeline in the gild you want the objects in the frames to appear in your finished content.

A keyframe is a frame in Adobe Animate where a new symbol instance appears in the Timeline. A keyframe tin can also be a frame that includes ActionScript lawmaking to command some attribute of your certificate.

You tin also add together a bare keyframe to the Timeline as a placeholder for symbols you plan to add together later or to explicitly leave the frame bare.A black dot in the Timeline indicates a single keyframe. Light gray frames afterward a unmarried keyframe contain the same content with no changes.

These frames have a vertical blackness line and a hollow rectangle at the concluding frame of the span.A blackness dot at the beginning keyframe with a black arrow and blueish background indicates a archetype tween.

Do non confuse keyframes with property keyframes; the Timeline icon for a property keyframe is a solid diamond, whereas a standard keyframe icon is an empty or filled circle.

Multiframe editing

Multiframe editing in motion tween animation


Frames per 2d

The frame charge per unit (the speed at which the animation in Adobe Breathing is played) is measured past the number of frames per second (FPS). A frame rate that is as well slow makes the animation announced to stutter (stop and showtime), while a frame rate that is also fast blurs the details of the blitheness. A frame charge per unit of 24 fps is the default setting for new Breathing documents and usually gives the best results on the spider web. (The standard rate for move pictures is also 24 fps.)

The complexity of the animation and the speed of the computer playing the animation impact the playback'south smoothness. To determine optimum frame rates, test your animations on a variety of computers with different processing capabilities.Because you lot specify only one frame rate for the entire Animate document, be certain to prepare the desired frame rate earlier creating your animations.The frame rate essentially determines the rate at which the playhead moves across the Timeline.

Read the article on animation basics to know more nigh frames per 2nd.


Easing is a technique for modifying the manner that Adobe Animate calculates the property values in between property keyframes in a tween. Without easing fix, Animate moves tweened objects at the same speed on each frame of the animation. With easing, you can suit the speed of tweened objects to brand movements appear more natural and to create complex animations.An ease is a mathematical curve that is applied to the property values of a tween.

The terminal effect of the tween is the consequence of the combination of the range of holding values in the tween and the ease bend that makes the tweened objects kickoff slow and speed up, start fast and slow downwards, or some combination of these effects.

For example, if yous breathing a flick of a car across the Phase, the movement is more realistic if the car starts slowly from a stopped position and gradually gains speed as the acceleration builds momentum.Eases applied in the Holding inspector touch all of the properties that are included in a tween. Eases applied in the Movement Editor can affect a single property, a group of backdrop, or all of the properties of a tween.

Run across Shaping Tweens and How to edit motion tweens for detailed data on Easing.

Onion Skinning

Onion skinning in Animate CC

Employ Onion skinning to compare the previous and next frames and arrange the objects in the current frame.When onion skinning is turned off (the default setting), 1 frame of the blitheness sequence appears on the Stage at a time.

The frame displayed corresponds to the location of the playhead in the Timeline.When Onion skinning is enabled, the frame under the playhead appears in full color, while surrounding frames are dimmed, as though each frame is fatigued on a sail of translucent onionskin newspaper and the sheets were stacked on top of each other.

Dimmed frames cannot be edited; they are merely displayed as a visual reference.

For more information about Onion skinning, see Creating frame-past-frame animations and Timeline.


Layers in motion tween animations

Layers help yous organize the artwork in your Adobe Animate document. You tin can draw and edit objects on one layer without affecting objects on another layer. In areas of the Stage with nothing on a layer, y'all can meet through it to the layers below.To draw, paint, or otherwise alter a layer or folder, select the layer in the Timeline to make it active. A pencil icon next to a layer or binder name in the Timeline indicates that the layer or folder is active.

Only one layer can be active at a time—although more than than i layer tin exist selected at a time.When you create a Animate document, it contains but one layer. To organize the artwork, blitheness, and other elements in your document, add together more layers. Yous tin can also hide, lock, or rearrange layers.

he number of layers y'all can create is limited only by your computer's memory, and layers do not increase the file size of your published SWF file. Just the objects you lot place into layers add together to the project'southward file size.To aid create sophisticated effects, utilise special guide layers to make drawing and editing easier, and to make mask layers.

To know more well-nigh layers, get to Creating timeline layers.

Mask layer

Mask layer in Animate CC

Mask layers incorporate objects used as masks to hibernate selected portions of layers beneath them. Only the portion of the mask layer non covered by the mask is visible.

To know how to apply mask layers, encounter Using mask layers in Animate.

Guide layer

Guide layer in motion tween animations

To align objects when drawing in Adobe Animate, create guide layers and align objects on other layers to the objects you create on the guide layers.  Any layer tin can be a guide layer. Guide layers display a guide icon to the left of the layer's name. Guide layers are non exported and practise non appear in a published SWF file.

Although yous cannot elevate a motion tween layer or inverse kinematics pose layer onto a guide layer, you can elevate a normal layer onto a guide layer. This converts the guide layer to a motion guide layer and links the normal layer to the new motion guide layer.


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