
What Does Partition Filter Do In Gephi

1. The MASK operator

Imagine you are interested in the female characters of the novel "Les Miserables".

  • you lot are interested in female characters and the relations among them

  • you are interested in the relations betwixt female characters and male characters

  • you are not interested in the relations betwixt male characters

How to display this?

The MASK operator applied on the gender sectionalization filter enables yous to:

  • show all characters

  • relations between female person characters

  • and relations betwixt male and female person characters

  • but masking male-male relations

operator mask 1 en

Figure 17. Using the MASK operator

It is also possible to hide / evidence only some of the directed relations between the visible graph and the filtered out graph:

operator mask 2 en

Figure xviii. Parameters of the MASK operator

2. The Marriage operator

Imagine y'all are interested in the characters with names starting with "L" or "J" in "Les Miserables".

How to display only these characters?

Nosotros volition need to apply filters on the Label of the nodes, which contains the names of the characters.

However, looking at the "catalogue" of filters, nosotros encounter no filter on Label. The reason is that Characterization is an internal belongings of nodes, inaccessible to filters.

Then nosotros must beginning copy the Labels of the nodes in a new aspect, which nosotros will be able to apply a filter on.

Let's switch to the data laboratory and add this attribute:

Adding a column for Names

Figure xix. Adding a cavalcade for Names

Copying to this new column

Figure twenty. Copying to this new column

We now have an attribute called "Name" that we can notice in the Filters:

New filter available

Figure 21. New filter bachelor

This is how the filter on Name and its parameters look like in the zone:

filter name 1 en

Figure 22. Proper noun Filter

To recall, we want to show only the characters which name start with "Fifty" or "J". Let's start with the "L" characters.

We demand to find the names which lucifer the blueprint Start with an 50 . The style to describe a blueprint in text is called a "regular expression".

Said differently, a regular expressions (also called "regex") is a convenient manner to express a pattern we search for in a text.

Regular expressions can become very sophisticated. Simply here, we demand just a simple one:

Let's examine what the L, the dot and the star hateful.

  • the alphabetic character "L" means we desire names starting with this first letter

  • . the dot means: any character

  • * the star means: the previous graphic symbol, repeated whatsoever time.

Then: "select nodes which accept a proper name starting with L, followed by any character, in whatsoever number"

Please note that you need to check the box "regex":

filter name 2 en

Figure 23. Using a regular expression in a filter

When the filter is applied, just the characters wit a proper name starting with L will be displayed:

filter name 3 en

Effigy 24. Using a regular expression in a filter

How to filter characters with a proper name starting with the letter "L" or "J"?

We could rely on a more complex regular expression to practise this:

Meaning: "select nodes which have a name starting with Fifty or J, followed past any characters"

Merely we tin too rely on 2 filters: one for L, one for J. Nesting one within some other would not work, information technology would mean:

"show nodes which showtime with an L, and amidst them, only those which start with a J"

→ no node can run into this status, so they would all be invisible.

Instead, we should use the Matrimony operator that tin can be plant here:

filter operator union 1 en

Figure 25. The UNION operator in filters

Drag information technology to the zone, then elevate inside information technology twice the Attributes → Equal → Name filter:

filter operator union 2 en

Effigy 26. The Marriage operator and ii subfilters

In the settings of the showtime Name filter, put the regular expression:

In the second Name filter, put:

(brand sure the "regex" box is checked in both cases)

As a result, the nodes selected by both filters are added up in the display:

filter operator union 3 en

Effigy 27. The UNION operator and 2 subfilters

three. The NOT operator

The Not operator flips the result of a filter: what was hidden becomes visible and vice and versa.

Instance: if we want to display all characters except for those returned by a UNION on ii Name filters on L and J initials:

filter operator not 3 en

Figure 28. The NOT nodes operator - 1

Same effect, but applying the NOT operator on single filter using a regex on L or J:

filter operator not 1 en

Effigy 29. The Non nodes operator - 2

Same effect again, achieved without using the NOT operator. In regular expressions the ^ sign inside square brackets means "Non":

filter operator not 2 en

Figure 30. Achieving a Non outcome with regex

Tutorials most regular expressions:



And a web page where you can test your regular expressions:

What Does Partition Filter Do In Gephi,


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