Whether you lot're preparing your car for winter or simply doing regular maintenance, air filters are rarely at the top of the list. And when they are, it's commonly the air filter in the engine. All the same, with relatively few exceptions, cars also have cabin air filters. And yours probably needs to exist inverse.

What does your car motel air filter do?

Two K&N cabin air filters
K&N cabin air filters | Thousand&N

Cabin air filters, likewise called A/C air filters, do the aforementioned job that the engine air filter, Autoblog explains. Namely, keep incoming air clean. Simply instead of filtering the air going into the engine, cabin air filters clean the air passengers breathe in. Dust, pollen, tire particulates, etc., it all gets trapped before information technology goes into your lungs.

However, equally their culling proper noun suggests, cabin air filters don't just clean upwards outside air. A/C air filters are as well office of your machine's HVAC system. Whether yous're running the heater or the A/C, these filters remove airborne contaminants, Autoblog explains. That includes things like smoke from cigarettes and wildfires, The Drive reports.

Naturally, cabin air filters tin can't remove every unmarried contaminant. Some are improve suited to removing particulates and odors, while others claim to remove viruses, The Drive and Roadshow report. It'south largely a affair of how big the contaminant is and what the filter is made out of. Though it's worth pointing out that if y'all really want to sterilize your cabin air, you need a defended air purifier, which not every motorcar has, Roadshow reports.

What happens if you don't change your machine'due south cabin air filter?

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As with an oil or fuel filter, a car's cabin air filter eventually clogs upwardly and tin't do its chore properly. Luckily, in that location are several signs to watch out for.

One of the about obvious is poor airflow, Autoblog reports. If the A/C air filter is clogged, even if the fan's working, the cool air volition struggle to come in. Ditto the warm air if you're trying to run the heater. The HVAC organisation may also make more noise, especially from the air vents, Auto and Driver reports.

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Another sign of a failing motel air filter is a musty odour that shows up when you try to run the fan, Autoblog reports. Mold and mildew tin can build upward in your HVAC organisation, and a clogged filter is often the cause.

There are a few more subtle signs that your A/C air filter is in need of replacement. Your machine'south windows won't clear as quickly if you run the defogger, Carfax reports. And a clogging filter besides lets more condensation build up on the windshield.

How do you lot change it?

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Your motel air filter'due south replacement interval is based on a number of factors. Besides your specific make and model, it likewise depends on where and how much you drive your automobile, Cars.com reports. A full general rule of thumb, though, is about every 12,000-15,000 miles, or ane-2 years, NAPA and Cars.com report. And it's something that's fairly like shooting fish in a barrel to do by yourself.

Cabin air filters are typically located backside or around the glove box, Autoblog reports. Only unscrew the glove box and you should be able to access the filter. The filter itself is very similar to the engine air filter, just larger. One time you have it exposed, just unscrew or release it, and put in a new filter.

Speaking of new filters, y'all can always upgrade your existing A/C air filter. If you're really concerned about particulates, HEPA-rated filters can trap particles as minor as 0.three microns, AAA reports. And some come with activated charcoal or other add together-ons for improve scent or gas removal. Though naturally, such filters price more.

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It's likewise worth pointing out that non every car on the road has a cabin air filter. The vast majority do—O'Reilly Auto Parts claims roughly 80% of 2000-and-after models have these filters. But my 1999 NB Miata, for instance, doesn't have one. And then, if your car's an older model, and you tin can't find its A/C air filter, know that it may not have one.

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