
ASUSTOR ADM 4.0: New features, how to install, and which NAS are supported

Asustor ADM 4.0 Source: Windows Central

ASUSTOR is developing quite the update for its network-attached storage (NAS) enclosure operating system. ASUSTOR Data Master (ADM) is the Windows OS for ASUSTOR'due south best NAS for habitation enclosures, allowing owners to install apps and services, ready up and manage accounts, also as configure the NAS and perform regular tasks.

The big update in question is ADM four.0, which is quite the overhaul. The beta launched in June 2022, and we've had a chance to play around with the update to see what's new. Here's everything y'all demand to know about ADM four.0.




The ASUSTOR LOCKERSTOR 2 AS6602T is a groovy home NAS with an attractive price and plenty of performance. The enclosure has 2 drive bays, an Intel processor, upgradable RAM, and total back up for ADM 4.0 once it releases.

ASUSTOR ADM 4.0: New features

Asustor ADM 4.0 Source: Windows Fundamental

There are numerous new features in ADM four.0, but we should first cover the important update notes. ASUSTOR has made some important changes to the update, which have been summarized below:

  • Dark way theme.
  • Customizable designs to the login page.
  • New search features.
  • Web Center.

The new nighttime mode theme is huge. Darker themes are making the rounds on websites (Windows Central included!) equally well equally apps and operating systems like Windows eleven. ASUSTOR has washed a great job making the ADM OS easier on the eyes when working on the NAS in the evenings.

It's now possible to alter the look of the main login page, which is useful if you accept more than one user account on the ASUSTOR NAS and wish to personalize the view for when they connect to ADM. This is particularly handy for concern applications whereby logos and brand colors tin can exist incorporated into the NAS feel.

The all-new ADM iv.0 search system makes searching for files and data smoother than ever earlier, literally. Just similar you can on smartphones and in Windows 10, you volition be able to blazon letters and lookout as the NAS returns results in real-fourth dimension. Finally, Spider web Eye has been added that lets you easily gear up a spider web server.

As well as the new highlight features, here's a total listing of changes from the company:

  • Upgraded to Linux kernel 5.4 and enhances both Btrfs functioning and stability. (Available on: AS31, 32, 50, 51, 61, 62, 63, 64, 70, 52, 53, LOCKERSTOR, LOCKERSTOR Pro)
  • OpenSSL updates improve efficiency and security.
  • Samba is upgraded to 4.12, improves operation and Time Car compatibility.
  • Time Machine usage quotas added. Each Apple tree device will not shop more the value set.
  • Apache HTTP Server is now available every bit a dissever app on App Primal. The app volition be installed automatically afterward upgrading ADM, and the original database will be retained.
  • The minimum TLS protocol for HTTPS connections is at present transparently displayed. If the TLS protocol version used by a browser does not meet the security settings, a connection will not be established.
  • New scheduling settings — sets off-acme hours and schedules storage usage calculations.
  • Amazon S3 fill-in is moved from Backup and Restore to Cloud Backup Center. If Amazon S3 backup is enabled, this app will be automatically installed later upgrading ADM and the original settings volition exist retained.
  • No more exFAT license is required by using exFAT external hard bulldoze or MyArchive. Subsequently upgrading ADM, the exFAT Commuter App volition be removed.
  • Task Monitor design improved.
  • Windows File Service renamed to SMB.
  • MacOS Service renamed AFP.
  • Web server removed from Services.
  • Improved multilingual strings.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes.

ASUSTOR ADM iv.0: When will information technology be released?

ASUSTOR launched the ADM iv.0 beta in June 2022. It's non expected to exist prepare until all bugs have been squashed and feedback from early testers addressed. We'll update you when further details are released.

ASUSTOR ADM 4.0: Supported NAS

ASUSTOR AS7110T Source: Rich Edmonds / Windows Central

  • AS10
  • AS31
  • AS32
  • AS40
  • AS50
  • AS51
  • AS61
  • AS62
  • AS63
  • AS64
  • AS70
  • AS52
  • AS53

ASUSTOR ADM 4.0: How to install

I highly recommend installing and testing the beta of ADM iv.0 on a NAS enclosure you are not currently using in a live environs. It's still in beta and isn't ready for the existent earth simply withal. Yous won't be able to downgrade your NAS once you've upgraded it to the ADM beta. Ready? Hither's how to install ADM 4.0 on your ASUSTOR NAS:

  1. Get to the ASUSTOR website.
  2. Roll down and click on Download now.
  3. Complete the beta application form.
  4. Concord to the terms and click download now.
  5. Log into your ASUSTOR NAS.
  6. Go to Settings > ADM Update.
  7. Click on Manual Update.
  8. Choose the downloaded ADM four.0 beta file.

The NAS volition then run through the installation process and will reboot. Sit back, relax, and read through the listing of new features in the meantime.




If you're looking for the best value NAS from ASUSTOR, await no further than the LOCKERSTOR 2 AS6602T. It has ii drive bays, an Intel processor, and everything yous need to ready upwards your very first dwelling NAS.

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